Airsoftonlineshop Mediation
There are two points you need pay close attention to:
i) For buyers who have items “Not as Described,” note that the whole dispute process is controlled by our system. If no response is received from you when required, the system will automatically release the payment to the seller and close the dispute. This may not be in your favor.
ii) For buyers who have not received their items due to customs regulations, please just provide a photo of the customs letter.
Once you have reached an agreement with the seller that you will return the item or Airsoftonlineshop makes an arbitration that requires the buyer to return the items: buyer must provide the tracking number and a photo of the shipping label in your Airsoftonline account within 7 days, or else the system will release the payments to the seller.
Note: Tracking numbers starting with the characters “LC” are not recommended to be used for delivery as they cannot be tracked easily. Failure to ship and enter a tracking number into the system within 7 days will invalidate your refund request, and it will be assumed that you have decided to keep your products.
If you have any question about your case, please contact us(choose About Disputes in Airsoftonllineshop & Credit card institute). Please understand that Airsoftonlineshop Resolution Center is for disputes only, for other questions and services, you may contact Airsoftonlineshop Customer Service Center.